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July 21, 2020

發現我都沒什麼畫滷蛋的事蹟((實在太不應該了 🤦🏻‍♀️ 打自己!

其實是還沒有勇氣回憶過去與牠一起生活的點點滴滴呢。。。((已經過了 3 年,不可以再逃避了
牠就是一隻天不怕地不怕的中型兔子,曾經待過貓狗混住的收容所,感覺是大哥等級的兔子((我自己亂腦補的 XD
住進家裡更是天天被他的牙齒問候 😅 我身邊的人都對他退避三舍,是一個想到就怕的狠角色 😏 儘管如此我還是看得到他可愛的一面 😌 都不是小寶寶了還要人家一口一口餵、衝過來低頭的撒嬌方式、每天都在甩動身軀跳舞,好多好多的可愛是旁人沒辦法看到的 🥰
第三張是滷蛋本人在協會時的樣子,居然被分配在啃咬這頁 ⋯ 嗯 ⋯ 原來早有前科(?😆
🙏 希望在彩虹橋的你過得開開心心沒有病痛有吃不完的草與零食 🤞🏻
🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡 🧡
i found that i barely post my first adopted bunny—Ludan. He had passed away three years ago. But still couldn’t face the fact that he had already been an angel. i have been missing him so much.
In my memory, he was a middle big bunny who was often biting humans,like me… everyone around me all felt scary because of getting bitten by him🤭
However,he still had the lovely side. For example, he liked to be fed with food in a spoon just like a baby🥺
And he sometimes came to me for a stroke or danced bunny dance happily…
🙏🏻Hope my Ludan is happy and sickless ,has lots of food&sweets at the rainbow bridge.

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Created by Linda

Linda Rich © 2021